Meet Our Attorneys.
Joseph R. Condo
Patent Procurement, Patent Litigation, and Trademarks
Edward Davis
Patent Procurement
Chloe Dixon
Since discovering intellectual property law in eighth grade, Chloe set her sights on becoming a patent attorney. As Chloe explains, “I’ve always enjoyed math and science but was also told that I would make a great lawyer. So, it seemed like fate when I learned […] Read More
Hal Fullmer
Patent Procurement
Michael T. Ghobrial
Patent Procurement, Patent Litigation, Copyrights, and Trademarks
Mohammad Hameed
Mohammad concentrates his practice on the preparation and prosecution of U.S. and foreign patent applications, primarily in the electrical, software, and mechanical arts. Mohammad’s practice extends to a variety of technologies that include semiconductors, batteries, displays, motors, power systems, communication systems and mediums, video compression, […] Read More
Brian J. Hubbard
IP-related Agreements, Patent Procurement, and Litigation
Michael A. Koptiw
Patent Procurement
John E. McGlynn
Patent Prosecution and Litigation, including Post-grant Proceedings
Vincent J. Roccia
Patent Procurement and Patent Litigation
Stuart A. Schanbacher
Patent Procurement and Patent Litigation
Arshid A. Sheikh
Litigation and Patent Procurement
Shuang Zhao
Patent Procurement
Meet Our Team.
Back row, l to r: Darleen Yacovone, Melissa Inzaris, April Smith, Jordan Donnelly, Marissa Antonelli, Melissa Overline, Colleen Bradley.
Front row, l to r: Krysanna See, Kathleen Kenney, Jennifer Rassa, Cassandra Katz.
Marissa M. Antonelli
Jordan Donnelly
Docketing Specialist
Kathleen Kenney
Records Coordinator/Paralegal
Jennifer Rassa
Director of Operations, IP Staff Manager
Colleen Bradley
Facilities Coordinator
Melissa Inzaris
IP Legal Assistant
Darleen J. Yacovone
Melissa Overline
IP Legal Assistant